and lithographs will soon be available through the on-line shop
och litografier kommer snart säljas genom vår on-line

we are selling a newly published autobiographical book by Rebecca
Weiss. The English version is titled "Journeys In Darkness
and Light". It is dedicated to Helga and has several chapters
about her, and about Rebecca's father Peter Weiss. It has 34
pages of photos, many of them in color, of family members and
friends,and of artwork by Rebecca, Helga and Peter. Most of
these pictures have never before been seen or published.
price is $14.95, plus $4.95 for shipping and handling in the
Shipping to Europe is $9.95, regrettably expensive, as the book
is quite heavy.
If you buy several books, shipping cost per book is less.
Contact rebecca8 at tampabay. rr. com.
if you want to purchase this book.

tiden säljer vi nu en nyutgiven självbiografisk bok
av Rebecca Weiss. Den svenska versionen heter "Resor i
mörker och ljus". Den är tillägnad Helga
och har flera kapitel som handlar om henne, och om Rebeccas
far Peter Weiss. Boken har 34 sidor med foton av släktingar
och vänner och konstverk av Rebecca, Helga och Peter. Många
av dessa bilder har aldrig tidigare setts eller publicerats.
ni vill köpa denna bok, kontakta rebecca8 at tampabay. rr. com.